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DATA CELLAR aims to create a federated energy dataspace that will support the creation, development and management of local energy communities in the EU. The data space population will be facilitated via an innovative rewarded private metering approach, with a focus on an easy onboarding and interaction, guaranteeing a smooth integration with other EU energy data spaces, providing to LEC stakeholders services and tools for developing their activities.
data cellar


The DEDALUS project aims to revolutionize residential energy demand response (DR) by developing a versatile, data-driven ecosystem. The objectives are to enable widespread participation in DR by residential consumers; adapt DR strategies for various energy scenarios (electricity, heat, natural gas) at different scales and strengthen community engagement through energy-related activities.

DEDALUS approach is unique because it integrates social science with AI to design effective incentives and behaviors; develops DR-ready smart appliances with open APIs; utilizes Energy DataSpace and blockchain for secure, interoperable data exchange; implements digital twins for personalized DR planning and tailors flexibility models for specific user needs, like comfort-based solutions.


DR-RISE's main objective is to demonstrate the benefits of residential demand response (DR), not only for the end-consumers but for the overall energy system and the actors involved. We will offer a holistic set of tools and services with a twofold objective: increase energy efficiency via optimal management and demonstrate the benefits of DR. The platform will be showcased in three different EU countries, gathering diverse environments (e.g., pre-existing energy communities, urban blocks of flats, low-income households, etc.). Our approach is completely aligned with the EU's vision to place the citizens at the heart of the solution and empower them so that they can make self-aware decisions.


DRIVE2X aims to accelerate the shift to mass electromobility deployment through innovative smart charging techniques and technological advancements in bidirectional charging solutions, incorporating users' driving patterns with urban, grid, and environmental data to develop predictive models for energy optimization. A set of low-cost bidirectional charger units are tested and validated under different use cases, presenting different operational settings (buildings, homes, and directly at the grid level), contributing to accelerate the wide uptake of V2X technology.



The project’s goal is to develop and demonstrate a novel modular, compact, high performances and Plug&Play thermal energy storage (TES) solutions for heating, cooling and hot tap water production. The new concept of TES proposed in the project will provide electricity load shifting with meaningful peak shaving of the thermal and electric load demands.


EDDIE aims at lowering data integration costs drastically to tackle the existing economic problem of the limited energy data interoperability. EDDIE’s vision is to make it cheap and easy for data-based energy services to operate on a common European energy data space. The consortium of EDDIE includes leading experts on data-sharing, smart grids, legislation, and IT development, who will contribute with connecting and opening their national environments.