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Data management

The Working Group on Data Management is working on:

  • Communication Infrastructure, embracing the technical and non-technical aspects of the communication infrastructure needed to exchange data and the related requirements, including issues faced by TSO and DSO
  • Cybersecurity and Data Privacy, entailing data integrity, customer privacy and protection
  • Data Handling, including the framework for data exchange and related roles and responsibilities, together with the technical issues supporting the exchange of data in a secure and interoperable manner, and the data analytics techniques for data processing


For more information about this Working Group, please contact


Olivier Genest (TRIALOG)


2022 Workplan:

BRIDGE 2022 Data Management Workplan


Reports 2023:

European (energy) data exchange reference architecture 3.0

Interoperability of home appliance Report 2022-2023

Reference Framework 1.0


Reports 2022:

European (energy) data exchange reference architecture 2.0

Interoperability of flexibility assets 2.0

Contribution from BRIDGE projects to standardisation

Action#1: Set up a use case repository 2.0


Reports 2021:

Use case repository

Interoperability of flexibility assets

European energy data exchange reference architecture


Documents of the Working Group:

Webinars from Standards User Group
The "BRIDGE Standards User Group" (Action #4) aims to cooperate with Standards Development Organisations (SDOs) and provide useful information to BRIDGE projects about existing and future standards. To reach this goal, several webinars have been recorded.
Wednesday. 11 October 2023

BRIDGE report on Cybersecurity and Resilience
The BRIDGE Data Management Working Group released its report on the Cybersecurity and Resilience topic. Find out more here.
Tuesday. 07 January 2020

BRIDGE report on TSO-DSO coordination
The BRIDGE Data Management and Regulation Working Groups released their first joint report on the TSO-DSO coordination topic. Find out more here.
Tuesday. 07 January 2020

Minutes of the TSO-DSO cooperation and Cybersecurity BRIDGE meetings – 23/10/19
Last October, the members of the Working Groups Regulation and Data Management were invited by the European Commission at Brussels to discuss about Cybersecurity and cooperation between TSOs and DSOs, two of the four topics initiated during the last General Assembly and studied by the two Working Groups in the past few months. Minutes of the two topic meetings are available here.
Friday. 22 November 2019

BRIDGE Data Management Working Group Findings and Recommendations
Short synthesis of the Data Management Working Group report Year 3 highlighting its main findings and recommendations
Friday. 19 July 2019