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The BRIDGE use-case repository, based on IEC 62559, was created to simplify and homogenise the definition of use cases for BRIDGE members with different background and to provide an overall view of all the projects Use cases in a simple format. A first use case repository was developed by BRIDGE members (a website based on a group of GitHub repositories) in an iterative process that allowed the projects to evaluate the tool and send feedback for improving the repository in the new versions. Based on this, the European Commission recommended to integrate this repository with existing EC platforms, to make it fully operational, increase its use and visibility and facilitate the maintenance and security.

Based on this idea, different potential alternatives to integrate BRIDGE use case repository was analysed, and finally, it has been decided to integrate it in EIRIE platform, developed under the PANTERA H2020 project.

In this video it is shown the way that users can access and upload a Use case in EIRIE repository.

We are working to have the EIRIE use case repository ready very soon. We will keep you informed.