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Bridge Reports


Guidelines for implementing the prescribed technology


Guidelines for implementing the prescribed technology: Additional subroutines and requirements, scientific background and state of the art, scalability & replicability task force (May 2022)


In this report, the Scalability and Replicability Assessment (SRA) is described as a solid methodology to support EU research projects on quantification of their replicability and scalability potential. Along with this methodology, the Scalability and Replicability Task Force defined a common repository for helping projects in implementing the guidelines included. The common repository and the SRA are included in the EIRIE platform of European Commission.


Annual report 2021


Regulation Working Group: Annual report 2021 (May 2022)

The annual report has been published by the Regulation Working Group.

It describes the main action undertaken by the Working Group during 2021. Among the main solutions adopted, the Working Group proposed a new mechanism to deal with the constant internal staff rotation, facilitating the continuation of activities by new projects joining the initiative. Moreover, the Working Group examined how best practices and regulatory recommendations from the projects could support the activities of the Action Plan for the Digitalization of the Energy Sector.


Set up a use case repository


Use Case Repository, Action#1- Set up a use case repository: Data Management Working Group (April 2021)

This report has been produced by the Data Management Working Group.

The final output of this report is to describe the Use case repository that they developed under the Action#1. The repository is meant to be an easily accessible tool to align new BRIDGE projects started recently with ongoing or completed ones. The repository serves as a foundation for future research activities process and allows support for new use case formats to be added without modifying the existing configuration.


Economies of Energy Communities


Economies of Energy Communities: Review of electricity tariffs and business models (April 2021)


The report drafted by the Energy Communities and self-consumption Task Force focuses on the economic aspect of energy communities, which is split into two parts: (1) electricity tariffing and the potential link between the implementation of a local flexibility market and energy communities, encouraging increase share of renewable energy generation through energy communities; and (2) business models and services offered by energy communities and wider collective energy actions across the EU. In total, 20 Member States are reviewed to show the variation and similarities across EU.


Interoperability of flexibility assets


Interoperability of flexibility assets: Data Management Working Group (April 2021)


The report was produced by the Data Management Working Group.

It details the activities performed in 2020 by the Working Group towards specific objectives set during the 2020 BRIDGE General Assembly, which mainly focused on the interoperability of flexibility assets. Consequent actions undertaken by the Working Group were aimed to the definition of a methodology to analyse the use-cases and system implementation of BRIDGE projects and creation of a common framework to perform cross-project analysis and generate outcomes.


Exploration of citizen engagement methodologies in European R&I projects


Consumer & Citizen Engagement Working Group: Exploration of citizen engagement methodologies in European R&I projects (April 2021)


This report has been produced by the Consumer & Citizen Engagement Working Group (WG CCE).

As part of the BRIDGE initiative, the WG CCE investigates the creation of a structured cross-cutting understanding of the role and methodologies of engagement in the European R&I projects. In order to explore this issue, in this report, the WG CCE analyses a wide set of topics, divided among 5 sub-groups, and identified gaps in the knowledge and needs of European R&I projects around engagement.


Harmonized Electricity Market Role Model (HEMRM)


Harmonized Electricity Market Role Model (HEMRM): A Differential Analysis with Respect to the ENTSO-E – ebIX – EFET Model. Regulation Working Group (April 2021)


This report was published by the Regulation Working Group.

It intends to show a common view of the BRIDGE projects about roles and possible related actors in the electricity market with focus on flexibility. The report aims to provide a base of discussion for an update of the existing model, able to include the new roles identified by the Innovative Projects under the EU BRIDGE Program.


Analysis of Projects


Analysis of Projects: Major Achievements and R&I Gaps (April 2021)


The report produced by the R&I priorities Task Force analyses the key aspects to allow the energy system integration, as a strategy presented by the European Commission on 8th July 2020 to encourage a smart sector integration in the context of the European Green Deal. In particular, the report focuses on the availability and management of Flexibility Resources, Integrated System Operation and Control, and Integrated System Planning. Furthermore, barriers that still prevent this integration from fully materialising and allowing citizens and industry to embrace cleaner energy alternatives are addressed.


Synergies between demos – ID Cards


Synergies between demos – ID Cards. Regulation & Data Management Working Groups (April 2021)


The report summarises the activities undertaken by BRIDGE Regulation Working Group related to Action #5 – Synergies between demos (ID Cards). This Action aims to initiate a common repository of information on demo sites using generic demo ID cards which were developed within this action. The report, drafted in collaboration with the Data Management Working Group presents samples of the ID cards from various projects that participated in the first stage of the data collection process. Furthermore, it provides a specification for a solution for a web repository that should allow easy search through the demo sites across Europe.


European energy data exchange reference architecture


European energy data exchange reference architecture: Data Management Working Group (April 2021)


This report has been drawn by the Data Management Working Group. It aims at contributing to the discussion and practical steps towards truly interoperable and business process agnostic data exchange arrangements on European scale both inside energy domain and across different domains. Main practical outcomes highlighted in the report are the proposed definition of a common European reference architecture, the setting up of the European CIM (Common Information Model) user group and the repository of data roles and updates to HEMRM (Harmonised Electricity Market Role Model).